
Your thank you goes a long way.


We are so lucky to have stumbled upon Cogitania on a weekend stroll through Beacon Street. For a long time we had been looking for a program where Katya could engage in true, hands-on learning. We were fantasizing about an environment where the magic, the beauty, and the complexity of nature would be revealed to her through real observation, experimentation and problem-solving. We couldn't have found a better setting where each area of focus was presented in such a thoughtful and eye-opening manner that ignited her curiosity so naturally.

Katya could not wait for Saturdays, when she would be able to use her senses to explore a new and exciting topic.

This type of learning, where knowledge and understanding are acquired through the stimulation of all senses combined with the creation of a tactile object such as a model, a drawing, or notes in a notebook were so exhilarating that Katya would leave each class literally skipping with joy and enthusiasm. One of the most exciting things for Katya was having the opportunity to work with real animal organs, be it fish skin, lamb hearts, mice, bones or owl pellets. Getting to see, touch, smell and manipulate these specimens made her feel respected — she was allowed to work with 'the real thing' rather than being presented with only a lifeless model or drawing.

These lessons have changed Katya's view of what science is all about. Rather than seeing science as a set of worksheets and abstract explanations of phenomenon, she now sees science as an opportunity to observe and understand by getting her hands dirty, by creating things that help to explain the world around her and most importantly, by having as much fun in class as she would have while playing with sand and water on the beach. 

Thanks again for everything you have given Katya. Enjoy the summer and we look forward to seeing you in a couple of months. Both Katya and Omri can't wait to start learning again! 

— Rahel

You have created an extraordinary program and Peter really enjoyed learning more about the systems of the body and being with friends at amazing Cogitania.

Keep going — the program is so unique and we are lucky to have your imagination driving it. There is nothing else like Cogitania. You provide safety to take risks with thinking, a sophisticated, challenging curriculum and a creative, inviting space for the children to learn in a small  group.

Wishing you a very happy, wonderful, relaxing summer with your family!

xo — Annie

Yesterday’s rocket launch was a huge hit with Magnus. He liked figuring out the right proportions and then seeing his rocket fly. He was so jazzed after that. Also, watching the rocket X footage was cool. I know you like feedback so finally here is some!

— Sidney

My science class helped me a lot in my school studies. Now I know by heart all these things I didn't know existed before. My classmates (at school) told me I am good at science, and I wouldn't have received these comments if it weren't for my science class. 

My favorite activity this past year was building the model of the heart. Drawing exercised parts of my brain that I don't use much. 

My favorite activity this past year was building the model of the heart. It was fun. Challenging parts for me were, sitting still and observational drawing. My drawings weren't good at first, but if I kept at it, the drawings got better. Drawing exercised parts of my brain that I don't use much (otherwise).

— Yukiko

I am very appreciative that Sophia is participating in Cogitania, because Sophia has opportunities to engage in hands-on, in-depth learning that she enjoys. She has learned a lot! And the awareness of her capability to learn and gain knowledge gives her confidence in herself. 

Sophia enjoyed the heart unit. She enjoyed learning the concepts and building the heart model. She also enjoyed the chemistry unit and separating out the components.  

It helps her slow down to carefully observe, and tackle an activity that does not come to her naturally.

She is still skeptical about her ability in observational drawing, but I think she has grown in this area, and it has been a beneficial activity for her. It helps her slow down to carefully observe, and tackle an activity that does not come to her naturally.

— Parent

This series of lectures is the best yet, I feel (and Luka is very excited about them too).  The opportunity to collect experimental data and then derive an equation from it that governs the behavior of the phenomenon is very powerful.  Thank you!

I am endlessly impressed by this material. SInce I am working now on modeling large molecules with ML, it is cool to see that Tomer and I are working on similar topics.

— Regina, mom and distinguished MIT professor